Wins and Losses

This post is going to be a short one; the last week has taken it out of me, somewhat. The bright sides: Youngest Child graduated High School, and turned 18. The not-so-bright side: we had to make the painful decision to have one of our dogs put down.

Not much to add, to the bright sides. Youngest Child is finishing up getting her driver’s license, and is looking at joining the military in the near future. (She has a plan worked out, and the blessing of her parents–it seems a good plan, and in line with her longer-term goals.)

The pup is another story. We knew it was coming, but you’re never quite prepared for when it’s that day. He was nearly 9 years old, which is a decent enough age for a giant breed (full Great Pyrenees). His hips and rear legs had been bothering him for some time, and he’d been having some mobility issues. Late in the week, his rear legs simply stopped working. They seemed to give him some pain, as well. His quality of life was going downhill quickly, so the call was made, and his suffering was eased.

So, the task for until my next post: hug your loved ones, and give extra attention to your furry friends. Life can sneak up really fast

About leftwingsurvivalist

I'm a survivalist and prepper with a difference!
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1 Response to Wins and Losses

  1. Ann says:

    So sorry for your loss.

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