
Let’s all take a moment to relax, and contemplate that we once again have a President and Vice President with honor, ethics, and vocabularies. They’ve already started on their share of the important work; having got them there, we can breathe for a moment. But only a moment, because our part of the heavy lifting is still there.

But things are looking better than they have in a hot minute. I’m going to roll with that, and hold off on substantive posts until next time…

About leftwingsurvivalist

I'm a survivalist and prepper with a difference!
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4 Responses to Breather

  1. Vagus says:

    Hearing a President give a speech that was about the nation and not himself nearly brought me to tears.

    The Qanon madness seems to be regressing, and the Capitol insurrection appears to have sobered up several of my colleagues that had bought into the hype (a mob trying to beat an officer to death with a blue lives matter flag served wonderfully to illustrate what side they were really on all along).

  2. Robert C says:

    I, too, am happy that we have an administration that will listen to scientists instead of imagining that they know everything about everything. I am still concerned that the hard core crazies of the MAGA Menace (estimated at 30-35% of the population) are not history yet.

  3. Laura Miller says:

    You need to do MORE than ‘relax’. Within 8-10 years, we will be a dictatorship. What can we do to survive??! I’m concerned about my young adult daughter and future Kid(s). Do u have suggestions???

    • I believe it will only “be a dictatorship” if we let it. Simplest thing to do: vote. Somewhat more useful, but more time consuming: volunteer. I’ll try to address this in a future post.

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